Track Assets
The number and condition of rail track assets changes over time. Knowing geographic position of all assets and their current condition is core to any form of asset management. It is often a challenge to maintain these records accurately over time with regular surveys that can be very expensive and slow unless fully automated. The data from most surveys is often outdated by the time these are completed. Consequently most rail track infrastructure owners may not have detailed centralised records of all assets and their condition. TrackVue Z series can build an asset and condition repository for a rail track network very quickly and cost effectively. TrackVue sensor views cover 360 degrees track view to record a range of two and three dimensional sensor data that reliably record assets with their condition. This data can be further compared over time to show changes in asset condition. TrackVue range of products work together in a synchronised manner such that all assets are positioned with respect to the same positional feedand further referenced to track centreline and a fixed frame of reference. Data from multiple sensors is combined to provide a rich set of data features of the same track asset or object.
RV Diagnostics
Rail Vision TrackVue Z series uses linescan technology to recognise a range of assets on the track using downward facing cameras. TrackVue S series equipment uses a combination of colour areascan cameras and LIDAR equipment to recognise and map civil, signalling and electrical infrastructure assets. Collectively, they generate a detailed repository of track assets with location and condition.
The following table shows possible detections from TrackVue Z and S series.
Asset Detection TrackVue Z Series | |
Switch | Start and end track position, condition |
Lubricator | Track position, condition |
Level crossing | Start and end track position, condition |
Axle counter | Track position, condition |
Cable | Track position, condition |
TPWS/AWS magnets | Track position, condition |
Level crossing | Start and end track position, condition |
Ballast | Excess or under ballasted areas, start and end track location, ballast profile measurements |
Mud spots and snow | Start and end track position |
3rd Rail | Vertical and horizontal displacement in mm with respect to running rail, misalignment of joints, track position, condition |
Asset Detection TrackVue S Series | |
Civil structures, platforms, bridges, tunnels, etc. | Start and end track position, dimension data, distance from track centreline, condition |
Electrical components, cables, cabinets, poles, etc. | Start and end track position, dimension data, distance from track centreline, condition |
Signalling components, magnets, axle counters, signals, etc. | Start and end track position, dimension data, distance from track centreline, condition |
Track components, Switch components, HABD, balises, greaser etc. | Start and end track position, dimension data, distance from track centreline, condition |
The following image shows track assets identified by TrackVue Z series system using linescan imaging.

TrackVue S series uses automated colour camera analytics with driver view and side facing cameras to detect a wide range of other assets as shown below. All assets are indexed for track location and their details with condition information is recorded in a database for future asset management and maintenance activities.

RV Advantage
- Asset repositories can be generated at full line speeds and with automation
- Assets can be accurately positioned in 3D and on GIS maps
- Historical changes are easy to determine to highlight risks