
Inspection and Surveying

We provide end-to-end diagnostic service that generates business and safety benefits for the customer Diagnostic equipment require engineering expertise to…

TrackVue V Series

Complete catenary measurement solution V series product focusses on overhead line based inspection. In addition to monitoring standard OHE parameters, it also…

TrackVue R Series

R series products are designed for rolling stock inspection and may require wayside or on-board installation. The products provide a comprehensive evaluation of…

TrackVue S Series

Asset Management and Risk Assessment Surveys S series uses imaging sensors including colour high resolution cameras, LIDAR and inertial sensors, and…

TrackVue Z Series

Integrated Track Measurement Systems Z series is used for Asset Detection & positioning, asset defect detection, rail profiling, track geometry and rail…

3D Profiling

Background 3D Track profiling generates a 360 degrees three dimensional map of railway track with details of track objects and…

Noise and Vibration

Background Railway operational noise originates from a number of sources.  Engines and cooling fans of locomotives, Under-floor engines of “diesel…

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